Thursday, May 7, 2009

April 30, 2009

In class we were shown some presentations on three different technologies, Inspiration, Alice and RSS. I found that some were more applicable to the classroom than others.
First being Inspiration. Being in a special education setting, I use graphic organizers almost everyday. Inspiration was a great tool to be able access and see what it offers. There are endless options on how to format the graphic organizers which is a great because I find that I use the same graphic organizers over and over again, just for different information. I like that on Inspiration you can personalize the information and layout to the topic or subject matter that you are on. I also like that Aquinas has a license to Inspiration so I can access at anytime, even if the school I am working at does not have it.
Out of the three, I can rarely see myself using Alice or RSS in the classroom. Alice is useful because it gives you different lesson plans that incorporate art into them. I like the idea of incorporating the arts into the general classroom but it is not that applicable to the resource room when you are teaching the basic concepts. An RSS feed would be useful if a classroom had a group of websites that they checked everyday as a class. I really do not see much other use for it in the classroom.